Did you receive a spam email from Foxwold.Com?

At foxwold.com, we hate spam as much as anybody. 

Fortunately, I can tell you, I'm not sending the spam you received.


Web-crawlers search the internet for address combinations to which to send spam.  These spammers also use their email client settings to spoof their 'from' address.  They know better than to use their own address.  Some spammer, somewhere, has discovered foxwold.com, and is using our domain name as one of their many spoof addresses.

We never have and we never will send any email to anyone; friend, family or associate that comes from the foxwold.com domain.  You can permanently block the foxwold.com domain as a 'from' address in your email spam settings.  I do.  All mail sent to foxwold.com will still come to us, including the bounce notifications that result from foxwold domain mail being rejected from various servers, including yours. All mail from foxwold will appear as foxwold@something.else.com

Any help, that any individual or group wishes to volunteer toward ending the use of foxwold as a spoof domain, will be much appreciated.


won't you stop?

I don't pretend to know how to make you stop .. no one seems to know how to make you stop. I can't imagine very much of your success comes from mails "originating" from foxwold.com..  does it?

 Please, make yourself stop? I'd appreciate it :)

Need an evil to focus your attention on? Why not set yourself against 'zero tolerance' as adopted by too many school administrations all across America.