Foxwold's How-the-heck-do-they-swing live, High Voltage, pole transfers- page.

The biggest part of the answer to that question.. as I have since found.. Is, they DON'T.  All this work was done on dead conductors.. the lines were NOT live..  I guess that only makes sense...

This company, from who knows where, contracts for the local electric provider. The provider is having the poles replaced in the right-of-way from behind the house, all the way to Lebanon, I believe.

As always, newer groups of pictures appear at the top of the page..

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Changing one set of poles to three..

One whole row of poles completed..

Just another, winch-happy, cat-tracked crane

that's the same dump rig that had the welder in it, now shown further below..

hmm.. three vertical poles in that new structure..

beginning of a transfer set-up

Hey Boss!?  I have a capitol-tool request..

Loaded rig and trailer.. several loads came up the hill..

.. and this handy scooter runs them up the hill at about a dozen at a time

This truck is actually backing down the hill taking said scooter away..

.. just your ordinary dump truck on cat-tracks.. with a small welder in the back, maybe..

That's a pole mounting rig..

compressor driven, excavator-mounted, rock driller

I'll bet it's as quiet as a runaway freight train..

There's the compressor that runs that bit.. note the 4 foot step ladder for scale..

this was barely recognizable as a path before this job...

there's where all those planks went..

..from the middle of about a 100 yard run of artificial road..



Poles being moved, holes getting bored..

Work reached my street recently..

You'd think they had some sort of Federal access permit..

Just a few insulators.. good to several hundred thousand volts..

Need a road in the woods?


Just bolt 500, 16 foot 8x8's together in groups of 5 or 6

Lay them out side to side..

You can drive wherever you like!

Just the butt end of an 85 foot pole!!