Foxwold's Thoughts & Quotations

This page started back when I thought better of putting socially or politically charged thoughts on my front page...

I'm sure that after reading through you'll understand the reason for moving these to a separate page.

get me back to

get me back to photo albums page

"President Obama has not made public the 'original document'...President Obama may be (an) 'undocumented' (immigrant).” - Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen

"I think the best punch of the whole fight was never laid. As I was going down, he saw me stumbling.  Ordinarily you finish a fighter off and he didn't do it.  That's what made him the greatest fighter.."  George Foreman on Muhammed Ali

On the subject of ocean piracy: I have the solution.  First, the International community needs to unilaterally agree not to pay any more ransoms for ships or for personnel.  Paying ransoms only encourages those who have not yet profited from piracy and further lines the pockets of those who have.  Second, a multi-national armada should surround the pirate mother ships, give warning to immediately surrender their ships. Occupied or not, these ships should then be destroyed.  Third, all the anchored, hijacked ships awaiting ransoms off the coast of Somalia are to be recaptured or destroyed.  Fourth, all the world's news organizations will carry a message to the effect that any future hijacked ship will either be swiftly retaken with all pirates killed or completely destroyed without warning. The profit for hijacking needs to vanish. Yes, hostages will suffer all manners of collateral damages but if it were me in that hold, I would want the people of civilization to push the red button.

"Treat yourself as you'd have others treat you." -Hodges Golden Rule

"For the extremists who believe my father is a hero: it is imperative you understand what he did was an act of cowardice.  To physically force your beliefs onto others with violence is not brave, but bullying. Doing so only serves to prove how weak those beliefs are. It is simply desperation, reminiscent of a temper tantrum when a child cannot get his way.  Violence is a cop out; an easy answer for an ignorant problem." -Erik von Brunn


Mexico prohibits the extradition of suspects facing the death penalty????  Just who the hell does Mexico think they are???  They do precious-little to prevent the tide of illegal immigrants flooding this country. The United States picks up the tab for babysitting hundreds of thousands of their ex-patriots and when our nations' most-wanted criminals flee to their country, they act like they're protecting a pack of four-eyed nerds from a school of bullies.  Harboring fugitives should be the same thing whether you're Afghanistan or Mexico. Just what the hell does it take to get labeled a terrorist nation these days??  -rkf

"I didn't change my mind, I didn't know the answer the first time." -rff

It would be nice if the media in this country would present some of the sensational stories of people who put a stop to a crime using a legal firearm, but I believe the media's agenda doesn't allow for that.

Hillary for President ?  Who's kidding whom?!     -I approved this message.

"I don't trust hippies. They talk about free love but when it comes time to get down to business, they always have an excuse."  -Bill Dauterive

"Why would we want to do that?... Why would we entertain people for eight years only to give them the finger?"- Sopranos Executive Producer David Chase dodging a question with another question on why, in fact, he gave viewers the finger by wrapping up his HBO series with a blackout non-ending rather than doing anything legitimately creative.  Chase likened this technique to high school English class.

"You took my Joy I want it back. You got no right to take my Joy. I want it back. -Lucinda Williams

We should not have to press '1' for English.

What's the Old Man of the Mountains name now?  Cliff!

"I'll tell you how I feel about (abortion) when I can get pregnant." - Robert Goren

Her mind will pop when she figures out that 9/11 was an inside job! -Anon.

"Well, duh! We live in a democracy, of course I'm a democrat!" Anna Nicole Smith when asked if she was a Republican or Democrat.

"..I have some things encoded on my DNA... like I'm able to sense when you're just full of it."  -Sonic commercial

"...The pen may be mightier than the sword, but sometimes the sword is the perfect tool for the job."

 -Randy Cassingham   THIS is TRUE #651

This is NOT another Vietnam only in the sense that we would never personally blame our troops coming home, especially knowing what we did to people coming home from Vietnam, however, This IS another Vietnam because we are imbedded in a country in which, no matter how desperately we believe in our cause, the enemy wears no uniform while he freely walks before our troops and murders them from behind.

 In every sphere of human existence, there will be unformed thoughts which will fall out of mouths and will be forever etched in the minds of those who heard them.  -

Of all the times I've nearly been killed, I remember most fondly, the ones when I was with Crowley.

"No matter what happens, fly the plane. There was no way I was letting that thing go," he said. "It coiled all around my arm, and its tail grabbed hold of a lever on the floor and started pulling."  After requesting an emergency landing... "They came back and asked what my problem was," he said. "I told them I had one hand full of snake and the other hand full of plane. They cleared me in."  -Monty Coles after discovering a 4 foot snake peering out from behind the instrument panel on his Piper Cherokee airplane. Adapted only slightly from: My Way News  Reports only identified the snake as a black snake. Maybe this was a pilot black snake? Sorry.

"If we accept the view that the American people cannot be trusted with the material objects necessary to defend their liberty, we will surely accept as well the view that the American people cannot be trusted with liberty itself. Why should a man who can't be trusted to refrain from murder be trusted with the much more difficult and morally subtle task of choosing his leaders responsibly?"  -- Alan Keyes

"He should bid to C.O."  Wayne on Hugo

As if submitted by Cindi S.:

Consider a certain night in August.  Princess Leigh-Cheri was gazing out of her attic window. . . "Does the moon have a purpose?" she inquired of prince Charming [her pet frog].
     Prince Charming pretended that she had asked a silly question.    Perhaps she had.  The same query put to the Remington SL3 elicited this response:
     Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not.
     Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end.
     Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed, and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm.
     There is only one serious question.  And that is:
     Who knows how to make love stay?
     Answer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself.
     Answer me that and I will ease your mind about the beginning and the end of time.
     Answer me that and I will reveal to you the purpose of the moon.
    - Tom Robbins'  Still Life with Woodpecker


"The last time I ordered that, it took me three days to regret it."  -Dad, on a particular deep-fried take-out dish.

"Oh ye ice and snow, praise the Lord"      -Banner in ice rink at P.A.S.

Is it irony or coincidence that Sony put their rootkits on so very many CD's that no one would ever want to copy in the first place? - Me (1st amendment-protected commentary posed as question)

"Beware the Pogonip" -Native/American lore

"Reading any collection of a man's quotations is like eating the ingredients that go into a stew instead of cooking them together in the pot. You eat all the carrots, then all the potatoes, then the meat. You won't go away hungry, but it's not quite satisfying. Only a biography, or autobiography, gives you the hot meal." -Christopher Buckley

"Stay at home in your mind. Don't recite other people's opinions. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Journals, 1843

This is the famous Budweiser Beer. We know of no brand produced by any other brewer which costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive beechwood aging, produces a taste, a smoothness and a drinkability you will find in no other beer at any price.   -Budweiser pledge

"What's a nice girl like me doing in a place like this?" -Erin's T-shirt

"I'll get me a big RV and a big truck and move it on out when something like (Rita) is going to happen." -Holly Beach, LA Sheriff's Deputy James Cox

"Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair." -Led Zeppelin

"We live as we dream, Alone."    Alien(s?)

"Game over man, game over." Alien(s?)

"In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind."  -Louis Pasteur

"That was fun."   Charlie Congleton, upon Wesleyan's winning their first NCAA division tournament game.

"What did we do?" Charlie, two minutes later, realizing the impact of where that winning game takes Wesleyan..

"Tomy doesn't catch meat chunks as well, he likes to get a better look at them". -Hannah Fox

"Did it hit me?"  -Brendan Fox

"There is no reverse on a moose."  -Richard K. Fox

"She has a loose association with the truth."   -Joe Clark

"Fox, you eat like a King."- A. Naves

"Anything worth doing, is worth doing often." Richard K. Fox

"The urgent need of relief is in direct proportion to the difficulty of untying the knot in your drawstring."

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." --Isaac Asimov