Winter Pictures

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Early in December, with the macro lens, I caught Jack Frost pushing up out of a dirt driveway.

Dad going to get the Tahoe, leaving the hospital for the night.

Unable to sleep at times, I made full use of the white-board.

Carie and the boys out on her birthday, I believe.. 

Unbelievable snow amounts this year.. just unreal. 

The back porch railing after I had already cleaned that much off once before. 

This is not how I wanted the hot tub to disappear. 

I put nearly 700 miles on that sled this Winter.. barely seen in this photo is the chiminea stack! 

In Claremont, this barn roof is collapsing under the snow load.




On my way out for a 4 hour ride..

Abandoned mica mines in Sullivan County are on the main sled trail.

I think I've taken this picture a hundred times...

This tom was pacing back and forth and gobbling at me as I was working in Charlestown.

Mmmm.. love the salty covering on that Sportster!


Rearview on the sled on a recent ride



The snow stick is at the two-foot mark..

One of our camp neighbors..

Competition is tough for shredded toast leftovers..

Bog view

These may have been taken during Fall.. but I'm declaring the start of Winter..

That's the Eagle at the end of our flagpole.

A place we call 'Eighteen'

... and snow it has..


Back at camp following our Maine trip, there's not much less snow here than up there!

Percy's northern peak looks frigid!

The snow was deliberately left on the neighbors' picnic table to show the three feet of accumulation.

Turkeys take to the trees at Foxwold

There's eight of them in the picture below.. and there's at least a dozen that come through nearly every day.



Eastman at Grantham 

Somewhere off Trail 5 in Groveton/Stark


Percy Peaks sees a little fog...


Nearly three years in the waiting

Sunrise over New Hampshire

Canada Robins fly south to Winter in our neck of the woods...

When I say I feed the birds, I take that seriously...

It can be difficult to pass up taking Ascutney's mug..

Visible from Croydon NH, I have no idea what mountain this is

I think it's safe to say that generally speaking, you never get as much snow as they forecast, so when you get more than forecast, I always think of it as a bonus.




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